Welcome to the Model United Nations program at Khalsa Montessori. We have 14 dedicated elementary and middle school students who are attending an after school club to learn about peace education, the politics of other countries and how the United Nations attempts to help people worldwide. These students will attend the Montessori Model United Nations conference held in March 2010 in Brooklyn, NY as well as at the actual United Nations site. These students could be our future amabassadors and world leaders!
Montessori Model United Nations is an annual conference held in New York where students from all over the United States as well as other countries gather together to simulate the work of the UN. Students act as delegates from their assigned country, and complete intensive research about their country to prepare for the conference. At the conference, the delegates practice conflict resolution, negotiation, public speaking and formal writing skills. During the conference, students visit the United Nations building and vote on the resolutions they have drafted in their respective committees. The work that these students are able to do at such a young age is truly remarkable.
The goal of this program is to provide an opportunity for students to practice their conflict resolution skills that they learned in the classroom in an academic, international setting. They learn how to speak from another person’s perspective, which is essential part of being able to resolve problems with others in general. In addition, they gain insight into many of the world’s problems through this process.
We hope that you will consider supporting these students by making a donation in order to make their trip possible. Please follow the link to our Paypal account and remember if you're an AZ resident, this donation can be used as a the Arizona school tax credit donation (dollar-for-dollar return on your donation). Thank you!