1. Practice your speech 8 times. Have all the motions memorized and ready for the conference.
2. Take a look at this travel guide:
Rick Steves is a well known travel writer. There are many link on the web site-read through a section at a time. Travel is more rewarding when you know a little bit about the area.
Homework due 4/28/15
1. You will not attend a meeting on the 28th because you will be attending the Windsong parent meeting, but please remember to have your art projects at about 90% complete and ready to be finished at the following meeting.
Homework 4/21/15
1. Practice your speech 2 times.
2. Review list of protocol in your student guide.
3. Look at matrix for your committee: https://montessori-mun.org/rome-conference-matrix/
Make a list of countries that may be your allies based on similarities (island nations, developing countries, types of governments, etc.) Try to guess which countries with whom you would have opposing viewpoints.
4. Art project: next stage/bring supplies as needed
Homework 4/14/15
1. Make sure your speech is done and ready to be practiced. Practice it at home a few times.
2. Laurel: work on your art projects in art class
3. Bring in what you have finished for your art project. Make sure you have marked your deadlines on your calendar.
4. Mango Italian lesson
Homework due 4/7/15
1. Position papers submitted to Ms. Erin by Tuesday, March 31st in Word format.
2. Change position paper into speech: 10% introduction to topic, 80% information about what is happening with your topic in Bangladesh, 10% what Bangladesh sees as solution. Use a large font. Start with your speech with a greeting: Thank you honorable chair/honorable president and fellow delegates
3. Come prepared with evidence that you are working on your art project. Bring supplies to work if you will be doing it in the meeting.
4. Print out these examples of resolutions from last year's MMUN:
Be prepared to discuss the resolutions in these terms: who are the co-sponsors, how many are there, where are the operative clauses (look in your student guide), what are some of the solutions presented, etc.
5. Try to do another lesson in Mango languages in Italian.
Homework due 3/22/15 ***Sunday*****
1. Remember--no meeting on the 24th. I will be looking at your paper before I go to NY and over break.
2. Finish the 2nd section and the third section. The third section uses language like this:
The delegation of the Republic of Bangladesh implores all Member States . . .
The delegation of the Republic of Bangladesh calls upon developed countries to . . .
Make sure your resolution, conference or other document is referenced in the third section as well.
3. Add a source list at the end.
4. E-mail me for help if needed.
Homework due 3/10/15
1. Read this news story:
2. Find out if there is any follow up info. about this story on the BBC. Record 2 other news stories.
3. Finish section 2. This section of your paper should be the longest and the most specific.
4. http://www.un.org/en/ga/68/
Using the GA records, please find a resolution that matches your topic. Please e-mail me if you cannot find one.
Homework due 3/3/15
1. Watch the BBC News and record 2 news stories.
2. Revise first paragraph and finish section 1. Send me the entire document when finished. Don't forget to include the heading (see background guide)
3. Outline section 2--what is Bangladesh's position regarding your topic?
Include NGO information or statements from the Permanent UN Mission web site
Find specific quotes or statistics to support your ideas. Include this outline at the end of your position paper as one document in Google docs.
Homework due 2/24/15
1. Watch the BBC News and record 2 news stories.
2. Write the 1st paragraph of your position paper. It can be broken into 2 smaller paragraphs.
Times New Roman, 12 pt. font
Use parenthesis when citing a web site. Please bookmark this site for help citing your sources:
An average length of this section is 12-14 sentences
3. Keep track of your sources--bookmark your web sites and start a source list at the bottom of your document
4. Get flag supplies.
5. Make a list of 10 phrases that will be translated into Bengali. Use Google Translate to get the Bengali translation, and paste these into a document.
Homework due 2/17/15
1. Review what the definition of a NGO.
2.Try to find a NGO that is working with Bangladesh and your topic. If you can't find a Bangladesh NGO, find a NGO that is working in the Southeast Asia or at least an NGO that is involved with your issue. Print out a page from their web site.
3. Write the topic sentence to your position paper. Look at the example in your student guide. The first section introduces your topic. See if you can find a great quote to introduce your topic, and make it your topic sentence.
Homework due 2/10/15
1. Finish backboard!!
Homework due 1/27/15
1. http://www.bbc.com/news/health-30818768
Please print out this article and be prepared to discuss it.
2. Complete either finding artilce or complete question 1 and 2 of background guide.
3. Next phases of backboard: bring needed items. Deadline for backboard: February 10th
Homework due 1/20/15
1. Keep working on pieces of the backboard. At the next meeting, be ready to start planning the layout and maybe gluing on certain items like the title or some of your images.
2. Check the BBC to see if there are any updates on Bangladesh. If not, choose 2 other news stories and write a few sentences about each story.
3. Look for 2 articles that relate to your topic (try the BBC web site and the UN News Centre web site). Print them out and bring them to the meeting. Write a summary of each article.
4. Have you read your background guide yet? Have you looked at the follow up web sites? Please start that process.
Homework due 1/13/15
1. Read about what is happening in Bangladesh on the BBC. Take notes on what you read about, or print out an article and highlight information.
2. Bring in all completed sections of backboards for editing. Have them printed out.
3. Print or copy other images for your backboard.
4. Print ou your background guide. Read through the background guide several times. Make a list of key terms from the article.
5. Start answering the questions at the end of the guide. Use the web sites listed at the guide as a resource.
Homework due 1/6/15
1. Watch the BBC at least 2 times and record 2 news stories.
2. Finish the backboard sections that were due last week and write 2 new sections. Bring copies of all our sections that you have so far so I can edit them.
3. Be read to spray paint your board at the next meeting.
4. Print or color copy another image for the backboard.
Homework due 12/16/14
1. Remember to talk to Naomi re: selling EE after school.
2. Announce your afterschool sales at your morning meeting.
2. Finish the questions listed in last week's assignment. Use a combination of the CIA Factbook and the un.org web site for help.
3. You have divided up the side sections of the backboard. Select 2 sections and write the pargraph(s) for at least 2 sections. Bring in the drafts of fhese sections.
4. Print out or color copy one image for the backboard.
Homework due 12/9/14
1. Where is your country located? What is the capital city?
2. What are the neighboring countries? To which continent does it belong?
3. What are the physical features (mountains, rivers, nearby oceans, deserts, etc.)
4. What are some major events in your country's history? Why are they important?
5. What is the population of your country?
6. What ethnicities, religions and languages can be found in your country?
7. What are the traditional art forms?
8. What are the characteristics of your country's economy? (What does your country export?)
9. Who is the president or leader of your country?
10. What type of government does your country have? Has it had any major changes in government systems?
11. What is the traditional diet?
12. What is the climate?
13. What are typical jobs? What is the name of the currency?
14. List 3 unique features of Bangladesh
14. List 3 unique features of Bangladesh
a. When did your country join the UN?
b. When did country become a nation?
c. Did the UN help your country to become a nation?
d. What was the former name of this nation?
e. Is your country a large, medium or small contributor to the UN budget?
f. Is the UN involved in any way in the health issues of your country?
g. Who are your trading partners?
g. Who are your trading partners?
h. Which ones are considered adversaries (enemies)?
i. Which countries located near your country have had violent conflicts?
j. Have these conflicts affected your country?
k. What percentage of its expenditures is spent on education?
l. What is the school expectancy rate?
m. Where is your country in the index of most developed/least developed nations? Homework due 11/18/14
1. Continue to remind your classmates to bring in money to purchase bowling tickets.
2. http://www.un.org/news/
Visit this web site at least 2 times (2 different days). Make a table with 5 columns, and label them with the names of continents or geographic areas: Africa, Americas, Europe, Middle East, Asia.
Find 2-3 news stories for each continent. List the news stories in each column of the table.
Pick 1 news story that interests you. Write a summary paragraph about it on a separate piece of paper.
3. http://montessori-mun.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/DISEC-Resolution-2.1_Illicit-Trafficking-.pdf
Read this resolution from last year's DISEC committee at MMUN. Write a short summary about what it is about. Please mention: what is the topic, what solutions are put forth. Also, identify unfamiliar vocabulary like small arms, ratify, end user, etc.
Homework due 11/4/14
1. Finish Colosseum work.
2. Read this article about the Roman Forum:
Start taking notes on this article: address the 5Ws
3. Make another announcement about selling tickets for the Bowling fundraiser at your Monday morning meeting.
4. Start watching the BBC 1 minute news again.
5. Write a summary paragraph about the What the UN Can and Cannot do. Print this out and bring it to our meeting (after selling tickets)
Homework due 10/27/14
1. Finish lettering for bowling posters.
2. Finish taking notes on Colosseum article.
3. Be prepared to tell me at least 10 friends or classmates that are going to buy bowling tickets from you.
4. Make announcement on Monday 10/26 about selling tickets after school the week of 11/3.
5. Write up short paragraph about bowling fundraiser to put in MS newsletter for Sam. Send it to me first.
6. Re-read article in your student UN handbook (I will leave a copy of the handbook with Naomi) about What the UN can do and cannot do.
7. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-29175316
Watch the video and be prepared to discuss it at our next meeting.
Homework due 10/21/14
1.Find out prices of your 3 top local attractions, and convert to dollars..
2. Find out costs for local transportation (including taxis) and convert it to dollars.
3. Finish chart for bowling fundraiser.
4. Write out short speech for announcing fundraiser to your fellow Middle Schoolers. Make announcement at morning meeting on 10/20.
5. Purchase small package of poster board.
6. Next lesson of Mango language or review 1st lesson. Gratzie.
7. Read this article about the Colosseum:
Set up notes for the sections of the article (Introduction--Overview) and take notes on each section
Homework due 10/7/14
1. Continue researching Rome. Find out this information:
a. neighborhood (district) of hotel and university
b. what is this district known for (check Lonely Planet or Trip Advisor)
c. what is the public transportation like?
d. local attractions and how to get there (find them on a map)
e. local restaurants that are inexpensive
**Start compiling lists of restaurants, attractions, transportation, etc. Save these in a file and bring them to the meeting. Make sure you include street addresses as you gather this information.
2. Start a new account with Mango languages on the library web site (or log into your old account). Complete the first lesson of beginning Italian (Mango conversations)
Homework due 9/30/14
1. Start researching Rome. Prepare a fact sheet with the following information:
a small map that shows where Rome is located in Italy
most popular tourist sites
a short paragraph about its history
another map that shows its roadways
2. Have you continued your flight research? Be prepared to show new options at the next meeting.
3. Finish bowling flyer.
Homework due 9/16/14
** I will be at a meeting next week. We will meet the week after. Please e-mail me what you do for homework. Then I will post homework after 9/16
1. Mark the bowling fundraiser date on your calendar.
2. Finish the flyer together, and then send it to me.
3. Continue researching flights.
4. http://www.un.org/wcm/webdav/site/visitors/shared/documents/pdfs/Pub_United%20Nations_Everything%20U%20Always%20wanted%20to%20know.pdf
Open the document: Everything You Wanted to Know about the UN
5. Read the information up to pg. 14
6. Prepare a short Powerpoint presentation together about some of the main ideas in this article. E-mail me this presentation.
Homework due 9/9/14
1. Talk to Naomi about Middle School fundraisers: what date are you starting Indiegogo?
Are there any other fall fundraisers?
2. Continue researching flights--Belisa, talk to Laurel about some other flight options.
Homework due 9/2/14
1. Research bowling fundraiser. Try to contact the manager to ask questions, and take notes on his/her answers.
2. Start research flights. Pick one web site to start and save your search.
3. Find your binder and bring it to the next meeting.