Hi students,
1. Continue to watch the BBC, and write down 2 new stories. Pay attention to what is happening in the Ivory Coast.
2. Make a list of who you will sell your tickets to. Think of a business that you can approach to ask for a donated gift certificate.
3. Read all of your articles. Ask yourself: what is this about? Do I get it? Do I need to read it with a parent? Underline or highlight new information. Look up terms you don't understand.
4. Prepare a short presentation about your topic based on 1 or more of the articles you read. In your presentation, explain the following:
-what is your topic about
-what are the challenges
-how does it relate to Tanzania
-what are some success stories
5. Make note cards with your presentation notes on them.
6. Continue to organize and/or work on your backboard or accessory.