Pack these items before the trip!

Hi students,

Please pack these items in your suitcase or your backpack:
1. Your Model UN binder with a cover sheet that has your name and the name of your committee (make this up on the computer)
2. Your position paper
3. Your speech (make sure you have a copy with a large font)
4. A country fact sheet (go to an encylopedia web site and find a list of facts for your country and print it out.  Search "Malaysia facts" or "Bahamas facts."  National Geographic has a web site that you can use.)
5. Optional (this is a good idea): search the BBC or other news site and see if there has been any recent articles (last 3 months) about Malaysia or the Bahamas.  If so, print them out.

Double check your packing with a parent and your packing list.
See you soon,
Ms Erin

p.s. Sam and Leah-please see me to give me your orders for Tues. lunch and dinner at the airport.

Homework due 4/12/12

1. Practice your speech a few more times this week.
2. Go this web site:
Pick your top 5 attractions to visit (they are listed alphabetically on the left).
3. Upper El students-focus on getting your Semester Long or End of Year Project work done! I'm keeping the homework light for you to focus on this instead.

Homework 4/12/12

1. Watch the BBC 1 minute news.
2. Practice your speech several times.
3. Read this article:
The article about Central Park is organized by years. Record 2 facts about each section of years.
4. Read this article:
We were talking about finding unique solutions to worldwide problems. Can you see how this idea is a creative solution? Be prepared to discuss it in the next meeting.
5. I will try to have menus to look at next week for airport ordering.