Homework due 10/18/12

Dear students,
Don't forget you have 2 weeks to do this assignment.  Start early since it's two weeks worth of work!
1. Watch BBC with parent and record 2 news stories.

2. Go this web site and read the republic vs. democracy information:  http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/government/republic.htm
It really clears things up!

3. Go to the cyberschoolbus web site.
4.. Click on Millennium Development Goals of the UN (grey box). List the 8 goals and draw their symbol.
5. Using this web site as research, write a short paragraph about each of these topics:

-what are MDGs
-current progress
-how are goals related to each other
-how countries can achieve goals
-special role of developed countries and goal #8
6.. Go to this web site:http://www.mdgmonitor.org/factsheets_00.cfm?c=AZE&cd=31#
This web site keeps track of how countries are doing in terms of the MDGs.  Read the overview section, and answer these questions:
a. What is most important success Azerbaijan has had in terms of the MDGs?
b. List a few other areas that Azerbaijan has to work on.
6. Click on "track"--->"progress by goal."  
Using the symbol guide on the rights, determine which 2 goals Azerbaijan has had the most success with.


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