Homework due 1/3/13

1. Watch the BBC a few times over break.  Look for news stories from different continents.
2. Be prepared for your next backboard/art/energy committee meeting.
3. Wait for the e-mail I send you about the outline you turned in about your first paragraph.
Once you receive it, read the feeback and look up anything needed.  Write out the first paragraph.
4. Make sure you start using the proper formatting for your paper.  Go back to your student handbook and look at the format (full name, school, committee, etc.)
5. If you would like early feedback, you can send me your first paragraph as an attachment over break.
6.  Continue to research your topic in terms of Azerbaijan.  This will be helpful for the next section of your paper.

Homework due 12/13/12

1.  Do a search on the BBC web site for your topic.  See if there any recent news stories about it.  If you find any, print them out and put them in your binder.
2. Re-write your topic sentence if necessary.  Plan out the supporting sentences with bullet points.  You can keep them in note form for right now.  Make sure your bullet points have a quote.

sample topic:  Improving maternal health

Topic sentence:  Around the world, pregnant women are faced with dangerous situations that can prevent a healthy delivery of their child.

  • talk about lack of access to doctors 
  • talk about poverty and how this impacts pregnant women
  • statistic about how many women die from childbirth in developing countries vs. developed countries from UN web site
  • discuss how women in sub-Saharan Africa are at the most risk
  • point out which countries have had recent success with improving the health of mothers
3. Continue with your group work-we have one more work session before break.  What are your group goals for December?  After Winter break, you will have about a month to finish your work.
*Remember e-mail communication between group members is always polite.  All group members should respond to all e-mails, even if it's only to say "okay."