1. Record 2 news stories from the BBC.
2. Come prepared for your group work. Are you on track for finishing your project by the end of January?
3. Write the 1st paragraph of your position paper. It can be broken into 2 smaller paragraphs.
Times New Roman, 12 pt. font
Use parenthesis when citing a we site.
An average length of this section is 12-14 sentences.
4. Come see me if you are struggling with the writing.
Homework due 1/9/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Comments: (0)
1. Watch the BBC 1 minute news a few times over break. Keep up with the news even as you get busy with your position paper.
2. Write the draft of your 1st paragraph(s). Remember, this history section is about 1/3 of your paper.
Make sure you have included:
a. the history of your topic in several sentences
b. important dates and leaders involved with the history
c. an important convention or law passed related to your issue
d. countries that are invovled with your issue
e. an interesting topic sentence to start your paper
f. a quote if you can find one
Longer is better than shorter.
3. What do you need to do over break for your project?
2. Write the draft of your 1st paragraph(s). Remember, this history section is about 1/3 of your paper.
Make sure you have included:
a. the history of your topic in several sentences
b. important dates and leaders involved with the history
c. an important convention or law passed related to your issue
d. countries that are invovled with your issue
e. an interesting topic sentence to start your paper
f. a quote if you can find one
Longer is better than shorter.
3. What do you need to do over break for your project?
Homework due 12/12/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Thursday, December 5, 2013
Comments: (0)
1. Continue to watch the BBC and record 2 news stories.
2. Come prepared for the next stage of the backboard, art or flag project.
3. Write the topic sentence of your position paper. This will be the sentence that introduces your topic. Look in your delegate guide (in your binder) for an example.
4. Decide on the other details that will be in the first paragraph. Will they be: a UN document, a UN convention, a worldwide statistic? Will you have a quote from a UN official? Do you have enough history about your topic? What other details will you include in this paragraph? Write out these details in note form with bullet points (or type it). Seek out other web sites if you think you need more information.
5. Every time you use a web site for your position paper, copy and paste it into your source list. This will eventually be the last part of your position paper.
2. Come prepared for the next stage of the backboard, art or flag project.
3. Write the topic sentence of your position paper. This will be the sentence that introduces your topic. Look in your delegate guide (in your binder) for an example.
4. Decide on the other details that will be in the first paragraph. Will they be: a UN document, a UN convention, a worldwide statistic? Will you have a quote from a UN official? Do you have enough history about your topic? What other details will you include in this paragraph? Write out these details in note form with bullet points (or type it). Seek out other web sites if you think you need more information.
5. Every time you use a web site for your position paper, copy and paste it into your source list. This will eventually be the last part of your position paper.
Homework due 12/5/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Monday, November 25, 2013
Comments: (0)
1. Watch the BBC 1 minute news and record 2 news stories. Try to
watch it one extra time to see if there is any new information about the
stories you record.
2. Communicate with your group, and bring in what is needed to the next meeting.
3. Try to find a NGO that is working with Israel and your topic. If you can't find an Israel NGO, find a NGO that is working in the Middle East or at least an NGO that is involved with your issue. Print out a page from their web site.
4. Watch this video so you can informed about the Fair Trade chocolate you are selling through Equal Exchange:
5. Double check your EE form with an adult. Make sure the totals are correct, your money is counted and your envelope is brought in on Monday, December 2nd.
2. Communicate with your group, and bring in what is needed to the next meeting.
3. Try to find a NGO that is working with Israel and your topic. If you can't find an Israel NGO, find a NGO that is working in the Middle East or at least an NGO that is involved with your issue. Print out a page from their web site.
4. Watch this video so you can informed about the Fair Trade chocolate you are selling through Equal Exchange:
5. Double check your EE form with an adult. Make sure the totals are correct, your money is counted and your envelope is brought in on Monday, December 2nd.
Homework due 11/21/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Thursday, November 14, 2013
Comments: (0)
1. Record 2 news stories from the BBC.
2. Form a small group of 3 or 4 students. Pick a charity that works with Asia to present at next week's joint meeting for the Craft Fair. Prepare a Powerpoint to present your charity, and decide who will be saying what. Save your Powerpoint on a memory stick or e-mail to yourself. Remember, this is due on Wednesday, not Thursday.
If you interested in finding a charity that is helping the victims of the typhoon in the Philippines, this article may be helpful:
3. Check your e-mail for an article link. Please read your article which relates your MMUN topic to Israel. Bookmark this article for future reference.
4. Try to find another article or web site that is related to your topic and Israel. Search your topic + Israel and see what you find.
5. I will try to meet with some of you before next week's meeting to get caught up. Check your e-mail often.
2. Form a small group of 3 or 4 students. Pick a charity that works with Asia to present at next week's joint meeting for the Craft Fair. Prepare a Powerpoint to present your charity, and decide who will be saying what. Save your Powerpoint on a memory stick or e-mail to yourself. Remember, this is due on Wednesday, not Thursday.
If you interested in finding a charity that is helping the victims of the typhoon in the Philippines, this article may be helpful:
3. Check your e-mail for an article link. Please read your article which relates your MMUN topic to Israel. Bookmark this article for future reference.
4. Try to find another article or web site that is related to your topic and Israel. Search your topic + Israel and see what you find.
5. I will try to meet with some of you before next week's meeting to get caught up. Check your e-mail often.
Homework 11/14/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Comments: (0)
1. Record at least 2 news stories from BBC.
2. Answer the questions in your packet. These questions should be answered with a short paragraph. Please use the web sites listed at the end of the packet and other web sites you find useful.
3. Do the next phase of your backboard, art or flag project. Come prepared to the next meeting. Send e-mails as needed.
2. Answer the questions in your packet. These questions should be answered with a short paragraph. Please use the web sites listed at the end of the packet and other web sites you find useful.
3. Do the next phase of your backboard, art or flag project. Come prepared to the next meeting. Send e-mails as needed.
Homework due 11/7/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Friday, October 25, 2013
Comments: (0)
1. Record at least 2 news stories from the BBC.
2. (Make sure you have checked your e-mail first before doing this step). Go to the MMUN web site (http://www.montessori-mun.org/). Click on Conferences---->NYC Upper Elementary Conference--->Background Guide (left side). Find your committee topic and download the background guide. Print it out. Read through the information several times. Write 20 bullet points about your topic (address the 5 Ws: what is the issue, how is it being solved, where is this a problem, etc.) Be prepared to discuss your information with me.
3. Visit the Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations:
a. Read the remarks made by Ambassador ----- to the General Assembly regarding electing Iran to the Security Council
b. Click on Statements---->General Assembly
c. Make a concept map that shows issues that Israel is involved. Your main topic (the center could be Israel and World Issues) and the surrounding areas should include some of their focuses. Remember a concept map includes notes and images. Images can be drawn or printed. Some of you may know how to make a concept map using a computer.
4.Come prepared to work on your backboard or flag. Traditional arts group, please remember to bring in images of traditional art so you can pick a project.
2. (Make sure you have checked your e-mail first before doing this step). Go to the MMUN web site (http://www.montessori-mun.org/). Click on Conferences---->NYC Upper Elementary Conference--->Background Guide (left side). Find your committee topic and download the background guide. Print it out. Read through the information several times. Write 20 bullet points about your topic (address the 5 Ws: what is the issue, how is it being solved, where is this a problem, etc.) Be prepared to discuss your information with me.
3. Visit the Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations:
a. Read the remarks made by Ambassador ----- to the General Assembly regarding electing Iran to the Security Council
b. Click on Statements---->General Assembly
c. Make a concept map that shows issues that Israel is involved. Your main topic (the center could be Israel and World Issues) and the surrounding areas should include some of their focuses. Remember a concept map includes notes and images. Images can be drawn or printed. Some of you may know how to make a concept map using a computer.
4.Come prepared to work on your backboard or flag. Traditional arts group, please remember to bring in images of traditional art so you can pick a project.
Homework due 10/24/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Thursday, October 17, 2013
Comments: (0)
1. Record 2 news stories from the BBC.
2. Communicate with the members of your group to make sure everyone has the correct e-mail response:
Backboard: Martina, Stryder, Jacob, Simi
Traditional Art: Michael, Maya H., Oshen, Cristian
Sewing Projects: Sienna, Jack, Isaac, Jeff
**Send a test e-mail. Then remind each other about what you are bringing for next week.
3.Go to this web site:
4. Answer these questions: What is MASHAV? What is its purpose?
5. Download the document Implementing the Millenium Development Goals (I had to open this document with Adobe Reader).
Pick at least 4 MDGs. Write a paragraph about each goal that describes what Israel or MASHAV is doing to make progress with this goal. Pay special attention to the Professional Programs and Actions section.
6. Does is seem like MASHAV is focused on solving Israel's challenges with the MDGs or is focused on helping other countries?
2. Communicate with the members of your group to make sure everyone has the correct e-mail response:
Backboard: Martina, Stryder, Jacob, Simi
Traditional Art: Michael, Maya H., Oshen, Cristian
Sewing Projects: Sienna, Jack, Isaac, Jeff
**Send a test e-mail. Then remind each other about what you are bringing for next week.
3.Go to this web site:
4. Answer these questions: What is MASHAV? What is its purpose?
5. Download the document Implementing the Millenium Development Goals (I had to open this document with Adobe Reader).
Pick at least 4 MDGs. Write a paragraph about each goal that describes what Israel or MASHAV is doing to make progress with this goal. Pay special attention to the Professional Programs and Actions section.
6. Does is seem like MASHAV is focused on solving Israel's challenges with the MDGs or is focused on helping other countries?
Homework due 10/17/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Sunday, October 6, 2013
Comments: (0)
1. Watch the BBC and record 2 news stories.
2. Complete the following research questions.
Use un.org (go to Member States--->Israel--->UN Data)
and the CIA Fact book
a. When did your country join the UN?
b. When did country become a nation?
c. Did the UN help your country to become a nation?
d. What was the former name of this nation?
e. Is your country a large, medium or small contributor to the UN budget?
f. Is the UN involved in any way in the health issues of your country?
g. Who are your trading partners?
h. Which ones are considered adversaries (enemies)?
i. Which countries located near your country have had violent conflicts?
j. Have these conflicts affected your country?
k. What percentage of its expenditures is spent on education?
l. What is the school expectancy rate?
m. Where is your country in the index of most developed/least developed nations?
3. www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/AboutIsrael/History/Pages/Facts%20about%20Israel-%20History.aspx
Open this web site. Scroll down to see the timeline of Israel.
Why is the physical location of Israel important to the Jews?After 1920, pick 20 events on the timeline. Make your own timeline on a piece of paper with these 20 events. For at least 10 of them, take notes on what they mean. Look for events that are highlighted in blue so you can follow the link to more information.
Homework due 10/3/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Thursday, September 26, 2013
Comments: (0)
New and Returning Students:
1. Watch the BBC 1 Minute News and record 2 Stories.
2.We are ready to start country research!
Here are some starting research questions:
1. Where is your country located? What is the capital city?
2. What are the neighboring countries? To which continent does it belong?
3. What are the physical features (mountains, rivers, nearby oceans, deserts, etc.)
4. What are some major events in your country's history? Why are they important?
5. What is the population of your country?
6. What ethnicities, religions and languages can be found in your country?
7. What are the traditional art forms?
8. What are the characteristics of your country's economy? (What does your country export?)
9. Who is the president or leader of your country?
10. What type of government does your country have? Has it had any major changes in government systems?
11. What is the traditional diet?
12. What is the climate?
13. What are typical jobs? What is the name of the currency?
Take notes on these areas (no full sentences necessary). Do a lot of reading-you are trying to become an
expert on your country.
For web sites, check out the cyberschoolbus site (Country at a Glance-on the left hand side),
CIA factbook site: www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook (this is a
great starting place) and the BBC News site (they have country info. in
addition to news stories).
Homework due 9/26/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Friday, September 20, 2013
Comments: (0)
New and Returning Students
1. Watch the BBC and record 2 news stories.
2. Read this article:
3. Answer these questions:
a. List one quote that Secretary General Ban Ki Moon made in this article.
b. What has happened recently with educational funding?
c. How does this article relate to the video we watched about Nepal peace education?
4. Read this article about a young person who decided to dedicate part of her life to focusing on the MDGs: http://www.un.org.vn/unv/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=46&Itemid=242
5. Answer these questions:
a. Why did she undertake this journey?
b. Why do you think that the young people in Vietname needed lessons on the MDGs?
c. Which virtues is Nguyen Van Dung demonstrating in this experience?
d. Find a map of Vietnam and print it out. Draw a line with a colored pencil to show her journey.
1. Watch the BBC and record 2 news stories.
2. Read this article:
3. Answer these questions:
a. List one quote that Secretary General Ban Ki Moon made in this article.
b. What has happened recently with educational funding?
c. How does this article relate to the video we watched about Nepal peace education?
4. Read this article about a young person who decided to dedicate part of her life to focusing on the MDGs: http://www.un.org.vn/unv/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=46&Itemid=242
5. Answer these questions:
a. Why did she undertake this journey?
b. Why do you think that the young people in Vietname needed lessons on the MDGs?
c. Which virtues is Nguyen Van Dung demonstrating in this experience?
d. Find a map of Vietnam and print it out. Draw a line with a colored pencil to show her journey.
Homework due 9/19/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Comments: (0)
New students
1. Watch the BBC 1 Minute new with a parent. Record at least 2 news stories that you watched.
2. Read through these sections in your Model UN handbook: Present Day and What the UN Can and Cannot Do
3. With a highlighter or colored pencil, mark some ideas that you are think are important about the UN.4. Go to the cyberschoolbus web site (http://www.un.org/Pubs/CyberSchoolBus/)
5. Click on Millennium Development Goals of the UN (grey box). List the 8 goals and draw their symbol.
6. Using this web site as research, write a few sentences about each of these topics:
-what are MDGs
-current progress
-how are goals related to each other
-how countries can achieve goals
-special role of developed countries and goal #8
Returning students
1. Complete steps 1-4 of regular homework.
2. Re-read the information about the MDGs. Make flash cards for each
MDG-print out a symbol of each goal, paste it on one side of an index
card, and on the back write a few facts about the goal.
Homework due 9/12/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Thursday, September 5, 2013
Comments: (0)
New students
1. Bookmark this web site: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/
2. Click on the "video" link at the top and watch the BBC 1 minute news with a parent. Watch the video clip several times.
3. After discussing what you saw with a parent, record at least 2 news stories on lined paper (or typed) in your Model UN binder.
4. Bookmark this website: http://cyberschoolbus.un.org/
5. This is the kids version of the UN web site. Click on "UN intro" on the right.
6. Read the 6 page article about the history of the UN.
7. Write 16 questions based on your reading. Make them a mix of high and low level questions.
Example of low level: What year was the UN formed? How many sections are there in the UN?
high level: Name 3 goals of the United Nations today. What were the problems of the League of Nations?
8. Use index cards for your questions: question on one side, answer on the other. Put your index cards in a rubber band or Ziploc bag.
9. Be prepared to answer other students' questions-read the article closely!
Returning Students
1. BBC
2. Go to this web site:
3. Download the document: Everything You Wanted to Know about the UN
4. Read the information up to pg. 14
5. Follow the same directions for the new students for creating low and high level trivia questions on Index cards.
1. Bookmark this web site: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/
2. Click on the "video" link at the top and watch the BBC 1 minute news with a parent. Watch the video clip several times.
3. After discussing what you saw with a parent, record at least 2 news stories on lined paper (or typed) in your Model UN binder.
4. Bookmark this website: http://cyberschoolbus.un.org/
5. This is the kids version of the UN web site. Click on "UN intro" on the right.
6. Read the 6 page article about the history of the UN.
7. Write 16 questions based on your reading. Make them a mix of high and low level questions.
Example of low level: What year was the UN formed? How many sections are there in the UN?
high level: Name 3 goals of the United Nations today. What were the problems of the League of Nations?
8. Use index cards for your questions: question on one side, answer on the other. Put your index cards in a rubber band or Ziploc bag.
9. Be prepared to answer other students' questions-read the article closely!
Returning Students
1. BBC
2. Go to this web site:
3. Download the document: Everything You Wanted to Know about the UN
4. Read the information up to pg. 14
5. Follow the same directions for the new students for creating low and high level trivia questions on Index cards.
Last homework before trip!
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Saturday, April 20, 2013
Comments: (0)
1. Practice your speech one last time, print it out (if you haven't already) and pack it along with your binder.
2. Double check your packing list. Remember-New York is chilly in April!
3. http://www.911memorial.org/sites/all/files/PrintReadyKeepsake_8.5x11.pdf
Please read through the memorial guide. You can print it out if you like.
4. Thank your parents for allowing you to participate in Model UN.
2. Double check your packing list. Remember-New York is chilly in April!
3. http://www.911memorial.org/sites/all/files/PrintReadyKeepsake_8.5x11.pdf
Please read through the memorial guide. You can print it out if you like.
4. Thank your parents for allowing you to participate in Model UN.
Homework due 4/18/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Comments: (0)
1. Review your speech a few more times.
2. Practice the parliamentary language (the motions) so you will be prepared for your committee.
3. Keep up with your Semester Long/End of Year Project. Look ahead to see what is due when you get back from the trip.
2. Practice the parliamentary language (the motions) so you will be prepared for your committee.
3. Keep up with your Semester Long/End of Year Project. Look ahead to see what is due when you get back from the trip.
Homework due 4/11/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Thursday, April 4, 2013
Comments: (0)
1. Record 2 news stories from the BBC
2. Practice your speech 4 times.
3. http://www.911memorial.org/faq-about-911
Read through this information about 9/11. Write a half page paragraph that summarize the most important information. Make an outline before your write the paragraph. Use the 5Ws.
4. http://www.911memorial.org/photo-albums/memorial-museum-construction-images
Take a look at the 9/11 Memorial construction photos
5. Go back to the Central Park web site. Pick 5 things you would like to do there (no swimming or skating)
2. Practice your speech 4 times.
3. http://www.911memorial.org/faq-about-911
Read through this information about 9/11. Write a half page paragraph that summarize the most important information. Make an outline before your write the paragraph. Use the 5Ws.
4. http://www.911memorial.org/photo-albums/memorial-museum-construction-images
Take a look at the 9/11 Memorial construction photos
5. Go back to the Central Park web site. Pick 5 things you would like to do there (no swimming or skating)
Homework due 4/4/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Saturday, March 30, 2013
Comments: (0)
1. Watch the BBC and record 2 news stories. Listen for any updates regarding Cyprus.
2. Continue to practice your speech in front of someone at home. Ask them if you are speaking slowly and clearly.
3. Go to the MMUN web site and find this resolution:
2. Continue to practice your speech in front of someone at home. Ask them if you are speaking slowly and clearly.
3. Go to the MMUN web site and find this resolution:
Resolution UNESCO/6.1.1
4. Print out this resolution. Highlight the preambulatory phrases and operative clauses (use your background guide for help). Make note of the sponsors and and signatories. Read through the solutions, and look up any terms you are not familiar with.
5. The Statue of Liberty will not be open until July. However, there is a boat ride that will allow you to get a close up view of the statue: http://www.statuecruises.com/
Since the boat ride is an hour, we could also make time to visit the 9/11 memorial:
Please research these two options along with Central Park:
6. If you haven't e-mailed your Mission Montessori pen pal recently, send them an e-mail.
Homework due 3/28/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Comments: (0)
1. Keep up with the BBC, even though we may not always have time to talk about it at our meetings.
2. Practice your speech at least 5 times this week. Have an adult at home give you feedback about your pacing (how quickly you read it) and how clearly you read it.
3. Go to the MMUN web site. Click on Conference Resources, and then 2012 Resolutions.
Click on HRC (Human Rights Council).
4. Go to Draft Resolution HRC/6.2.2 (3rd page, numbers of draft resolutions are listed in right corner)
5. Read through this draft resolution. Be prepared to answer the following questions:
What is the topic they are addressing?
Which countries are sponsors? Which are signatories?
What are some solutions they are proposing?
Homework due 3/21/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Sunday, March 10, 2013
Comments: (0)
1. Watch the BBC 1 Minute News and record at least 2 news stories.
2. Practice your speech 5 times. Have an adult time you to see how long it is.
3. Write your pen pal an e-mail if you haven't e-mailed them since Casa Grande
4. Review the rules of protocol: motion to set agenda, open speakers list, regular caucus and moderated caucus.
2. Practice your speech 5 times. Have an adult time you to see how long it is.
3. Write your pen pal an e-mail if you haven't e-mailed them since Casa Grande
4. Review the rules of protocol: motion to set agenda, open speakers list, regular caucus and moderated caucus.
Homework due 3/7/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Thursday, February 28, 2013
Comments: (0)
1. Watch the BBC News and come prepared to share 2 news stories.
2. Make sure you have sent me your position paper with a source list.
3. If you want to look at our schedule at the conference, check this out:
Make sure you are reading the 4-6 section (Upper Elementary)
4. Write your speech from your position paper. Use a larger font. Have an adult time you to see how long it is. It should be between 1-2 minutes long.
5. Art group: be prepared to share your flag at the next meeting. Tell us what the meaning of the flag is. Backboard group: be prepared to share the backboard and what you decided to represent Azerbaijan.
6. Write an e-mail to your pen pal.
2. Make sure you have sent me your position paper with a source list.
3. If you want to look at our schedule at the conference, check this out:
Make sure you are reading the 4-6 section (Upper Elementary)
4. Write your speech from your position paper. Use a larger font. Have an adult time you to see how long it is. It should be between 1-2 minutes long.
5. Art group: be prepared to share your flag at the next meeting. Tell us what the meaning of the flag is. Backboard group: be prepared to share the backboard and what you decided to represent Azerbaijan.
6. Write an e-mail to your pen pal.
Homework due 2/28/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Monday, February 18, 2013
Comments: (0)
1. Finish illustrating/coloring cards at school or at home. Only Prisma colored pencils please. Use stencils to write peace in different languages.
(Do a Google search to find out various ways to say peace)
2. Finish paper by completing 3rd section. Remember to use the preambulatory and operative clauses that are listed in your student handbook. Use a few of them in this section. Talk about specific solutions: continue what is going well, where can Azerbaijan improve, does it need help from other nations to make a goal happen. Only speak in the 3rd person.
3. Include a list of sources at the end of your paper.
4. Have a parent edit your paper before you send it to me. First deadline: Monday, February 25th.
(Do a Google search to find out various ways to say peace)
2. Finish paper by completing 3rd section. Remember to use the preambulatory and operative clauses that are listed in your student handbook. Use a few of them in this section. Talk about specific solutions: continue what is going well, where can Azerbaijan improve, does it need help from other nations to make a goal happen. Only speak in the 3rd person.
3. Include a list of sources at the end of your paper.
4. Have a parent edit your paper before you send it to me. First deadline: Monday, February 25th.
Homework due 2/14/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Saturday, February 2, 2013
Comments: (0)
1. Watch the BBC 1 minute news
2. Write the topic sentence for your 3rd section. Write an outline for the rest of the section.
3. Look at the other position paper examples for ideas of how this section will sound. Remember, you will use phrases like:
The delegation of the Republic of Azerbaijan strongly supports . . .
The Republic of Azerbaijan is committed to improving . . .
4. Make any changes to your 1st or 2nd section if you have not already.
2. Write the topic sentence for your 3rd section. Write an outline for the rest of the section.
3. Look at the other position paper examples for ideas of how this section will sound. Remember, you will use phrases like:
The delegation of the Republic of Azerbaijan strongly supports . . .
The Republic of Azerbaijan is committed to improving . . .
4. Make any changes to your 1st or 2nd section if you have not already.
Homework due 1/31/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Friday, January 25, 2013
Comments: (0)
1. Watch the 1 minute BBC News.
2. After you receive your pen pal letter, please reply to them. If they gave you their personal e-mail address, it is okay to use if but you must cc me on all of your correspondence. Remember, a letter starts with a greeting: Dear -------,
3. Finish the second section of your paper. Add in your citations in parentheses if you haven't already.
4. The backboard and art group should arrived prepared to work for the next meeeting.
5. Ask for your gift certificate for the dinner if you haven't already.
2. After you receive your pen pal letter, please reply to them. If they gave you their personal e-mail address, it is okay to use if but you must cc me on all of your correspondence. Remember, a letter starts with a greeting: Dear -------,
3. Finish the second section of your paper. Add in your citations in parentheses if you haven't already.
4. The backboard and art group should arrived prepared to work for the next meeeting.
5. Ask for your gift certificate for the dinner if you haven't already.
Homework due 1/24/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Comments: (0)
1. Watch the BBC 1 minute news
2. Write an e-mail to your Mission Montessori pen pal. Include the following information:
your committee, your topic, your age and grade
a paragraph about your interests/hobbies
ask them questions about their interests
Have a parent look over your letter. E-mail me the letter with the subject: Khalsa Montessori pen pal
3. http://www.un.org/Depts/dhl/resguide/gares1.htm
Try to find a GA resolution that fits your topic. Read the document, and record the resolution number. (ex: A/RES/67/266)
4. Start writing the second section of your paper (get at least halfway done). Use your outline for the order of your sentences. Remember, you will probably need at least 2 paragraphs for this section. Don't forget to cite your sources with parentheses.
2. Write an e-mail to your Mission Montessori pen pal. Include the following information:
your committee, your topic, your age and grade
a paragraph about your interests/hobbies
ask them questions about their interests
Have a parent look over your letter. E-mail me the letter with the subject: Khalsa Montessori pen pal
3. http://www.un.org/Depts/dhl/resguide/gares1.htm
Try to find a GA resolution that fits your topic. Read the document, and record the resolution number. (ex: A/RES/67/266)
4. Start writing the second section of your paper (get at least halfway done). Use your outline for the order of your sentences. Remember, you will probably need at least 2 paragraphs for this section. Don't forget to cite your sources with parentheses.
Homework due 1/17/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Comments: (0)
1. Keep watching the 1 minute news on the BBC web site.
2. Decide which business you will visit to solicit a gift card or certificate for our dinner raffle. Discuss a date when to visit with a parent.
3. Outline the second section of your paper. This section should include:
how is Azerbaijan doing in terms of your topic?
What is Azerbaijan's relationship to this topic?
How does Azerbaijan compare to its surrounding countries?
What types of improvements does Azerbaijan need to make?
Have they made improvements over the last decade?
Look for statistics and documents to support your ideas.
4. Submit an outline of this section to me by Thurs. You can e-mail it earlier if you would like to see if you are on the right track. Don't forget to bookmark your web sites.
2. Decide which business you will visit to solicit a gift card or certificate for our dinner raffle. Discuss a date when to visit with a parent.
3. Outline the second section of your paper. This section should include:
how is Azerbaijan doing in terms of your topic?
What is Azerbaijan's relationship to this topic?
How does Azerbaijan compare to its surrounding countries?
What types of improvements does Azerbaijan need to make?
Have they made improvements over the last decade?
Look for statistics and documents to support your ideas.
4. Submit an outline of this section to me by Thurs. You can e-mail it earlier if you would like to see if you are on the right track. Don't forget to bookmark your web sites.
Homework due 1/10/13
Posted by
Ms. Erin
on Thursday, January 3, 2013
Comments: (0)
1. Watch the BBC and record 2 news stories.
2. Finalize the 1st section of your paper. Add citations using parentheses. Use examples in your binder for help. Start composing a source list if you haven't already.
3. Write the topic sentence for your 2nd section. What do you want to say about your topic and how it relates to Azerbaijan? Have you gathered enough research? Do you know enough about your topic and its relationship with Azerbaijan? Please come talk to me if you need more help.
4. Be prepared to work your backboard/art project/energy fair presentation for next week.
2. Finalize the 1st section of your paper. Add citations using parentheses. Use examples in your binder for help. Start composing a source list if you haven't already.
3. Write the topic sentence for your 2nd section. What do you want to say about your topic and how it relates to Azerbaijan? Have you gathered enough research? Do you know enough about your topic and its relationship with Azerbaijan? Please come talk to me if you need more help.
4. Be prepared to work your backboard/art project/energy fair presentation for next week.