1. Record 2 news stories from the BBC.
2. Communicate with the members of your group to make sure everyone has the correct e-mail response:
Backboard: Martina, Stryder, Jacob, Simi
Traditional Art: Michael, Maya H., Oshen, Cristian
Sewing Projects: Sienna, Jack, Isaac, Jeff
**Send a test e-mail. Then remind each other about what you are bringing for next week.
3.Go to this web site:
4. Answer these questions: What is MASHAV? What is its purpose?
5. Download the document Implementing the Millenium Development Goals (I had to open this document with Adobe Reader).
Pick at least 4 MDGs. Write a paragraph about each goal that describes what Israel or MASHAV is doing to make progress with this goal. Pay special attention to the Professional Programs and Actions section.
6. Does is seem like MASHAV is focused on solving Israel's challenges with the MDGs or is focused on helping other countries?
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