Homework due 1/3/13

1. Watch the BBC a few times over break.  Look for news stories from different continents.
2. Be prepared for your next backboard/art/energy committee meeting.
3. Wait for the e-mail I send you about the outline you turned in about your first paragraph.
Once you receive it, read the feeback and look up anything needed.  Write out the first paragraph.
4. Make sure you start using the proper formatting for your paper.  Go back to your student handbook and look at the format (full name, school, committee, etc.)
5. If you would like early feedback, you can send me your first paragraph as an attachment over break.
6.  Continue to research your topic in terms of Azerbaijan.  This will be helpful for the next section of your paper.

Homework due 12/13/12

1.  Do a search on the BBC web site for your topic.  See if there any recent news stories about it.  If you find any, print them out and put them in your binder.
2. Re-write your topic sentence if necessary.  Plan out the supporting sentences with bullet points.  You can keep them in note form for right now.  Make sure your bullet points have a quote.

sample topic:  Improving maternal health

Topic sentence:  Around the world, pregnant women are faced with dangerous situations that can prevent a healthy delivery of their child.

  • talk about lack of access to doctors 
  • talk about poverty and how this impacts pregnant women
  • statistic about how many women die from childbirth in developing countries vs. developed countries from UN web site
  • discuss how women in sub-Saharan Africa are at the most risk
  • point out which countries have had recent success with improving the health of mothers
3. Continue with your group work-we have one more work session before break.  What are your group goals for December?  After Winter break, you will have about a month to finish your work.
*Remember e-mail communication between group members is always polite.  All group members should respond to all e-mails, even if it's only to say "okay."

Homework due 12/6/12

1. Watch the BBC and record 2 news stories.
2. Check your e-mail for a video link.  Be prepared to discuss the video at the next meeting.
3. Work on the next stage of your backboard, project or Energy Fair Powerpoint.  Come prepared to the next meeting.
4. If I sent you a link or article, please read it.  Take notes on it or print it out and highlight important ideas.
5.  Write the topic sentence of your position paper.  This will be the sentence that introduces your topic.  Look in your delegate guide (in your binder) for an example.
6. Decide on the other details that will be in the first paragraph.  Will they be: a UN document, a UN convention, a worldwide statistic?  Will you have a quote from a UN official?  What other details will you include in this paragraph?  Write out these details in note form with bullet points (or type it).

Homework due 11/29/12

1. Watch the BBC 1 minute news and record 2 news stories. Try to watch it one extra time to see if there is any new information about the stories you record.
2. Communicate with your group, and bring in what is needed to the next meeting.
3. Try to find a NGO that is working with Azerbaijan and your topic.  If you can't find an Azeri NGO, find a NGO that is working in Europe or at least an NGO that is involved with your issue.  Print out a page from their web site.
4. Start researching this idea: how is my country related or involved in my topic for Model UN? Read, read, read as much as you can about your topic.
E-mail me if you have any questions.

Homework due 11/19/13 **

1. Research NGOs that are working in Azerbaijan for our Upper Elementary Craft Fair.
Find 1-2 partners, form a small group and share information and web sites.  Prepare a short presentation about the NGO.
Possible topics:  orphanages in Azerbaijan
                            helping kids play sports in Azerbaijan
                           water resources
                            helping refugees
                           poverty programs in Azerbaijan
                           other charities in Azerbaijan

Homework due 11/15/12

1. Watch the BBC 1 minute news and record 2 news stories.
2. Re-read your background guide. Try to finish all of the research questions at the end of the guide.  E-mail me if you can't find something.
3. Be prepared to talk about your topic with me at our next meeting.
4. Communicate with your backboard, energy fair or art group and come prepared for next week's meeting.

Homework due 11/8/12

All students:
1. Continue to watch the BBC and record your 2 news stories. We won't always have time to discuss all the news topics, but staying aware of current events helps you do well in Model UN in many different ways.
2. Come prepared to do the next stage of your project, backboard or energy fair. Call or e-mail your group members to make reminders of what needs to get done at home.  You have to bring in research, supplies or other materials for our next meeting.
3. Go to the MMUN web site (http://www.montessori-mun.org/index.php), go to Conference Resources (along the top) and click on your committee.  Please print out your background guide. Read through the guide, and highlight or take notes about your committee topic. Be prepared to answer questions about the information you read.  Complete at least half of the questions at the end of your committee topic. Use the suggested web sites and your own personal research for help.

Homework due 11/1/12

1. Watch the BBC and record 2 news stories articles.
2. E-mail your group members and plan out your goals for the next meeting.  Start collecting supplies (images, text or art supplies)
3.  Go to the UNDP (UN Development Programme) Azerbaijan web site:

Answer these questions:
a. What does the author mean when he says that Azerbaijan wants to convert "black gold into human gold?"
b. What has Azerbaijan done with its oil profits?
c. Look up the word "macroeconomics."  Go to Roman numeral I-what does the word mean in this context?
d. Why do you think Azerbaijan wants to move towards non-oil industries?
e. Give an example of how gender equality has improved in Azerbaijan.
f. List 4 natural challenges that Azerbaijan faces in its environment.

4. Go to the transparency.org web site:  http://cpi.transparency.org/cpi2011/results/
This group keeps track of which countries are the most corrupt.  Write a few sentences about the level of corruption in Azerbaijan.

Homework due 10/26/12

1. Record 2 news stories from the BBC 1 minute news.
2. Contact the students from your group:
Backboard: Jeff, Michael, Jupiter, Isaac
Traditional Art: Izzie, Laurel, Belisa, Ethan
Energy Fair: Keenan, Stryder, Jacob, Cole, Tarquin

Add the e-mail addresses of these students into your e-mail address book.  Send out an e-mail to each other about what you are planning for next week.  CC me on all of your e-mails (erin.khalsa@hotmail.com).  Come prepared to start the 1st phase of your project next week.

3. Bookmark the Azerbaijan Permanent Mission to the UN web site: http://www.un.int/azerbaijan/ph_gl.php

This is a great web site where Azerbaijan lists all of its UN activities and policies in one place.
Click on "Azerbaijan and EU."

4. Answer these questions:
Why is having a good relationship with the European Union important to Azerbaijan?
What does TRACECA stand for?
What was the most important outcome of the 1998 conference in Baku?

 Click on "foreign policy"--->"Economic Cooperation and Development (in pull down menu)--->MDG indicator.  
4 of the MDGs are listed with data.  Write 2 sentences about each goal.  Use statistics in these sentences. Example:  Over the last 15 years, child mortality has decreased from  . . . . .

Homework due 10/18/12

Dear students,
Don't forget you have 2 weeks to do this assignment.  Start early since it's two weeks worth of work!
1. Watch BBC with parent and record 2 news stories.

2. Go this web site and read the republic vs. democracy information:  http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/government/republic.htm
It really clears things up!

3. Go to the cyberschoolbus web site.
4.. Click on Millennium Development Goals of the UN (grey box). List the 8 goals and draw their symbol.
5. Using this web site as research, write a short paragraph about each of these topics:

-what are MDGs
-current progress
-how are goals related to each other
-how countries can achieve goals
-special role of developed countries and goal #8
6.. Go to this web site:http://www.mdgmonitor.org/factsheets_00.cfm?c=AZE&cd=31#
This web site keeps track of how countries are doing in terms of the MDGs.  Read the overview section, and answer these questions:
a. What is most important success Azerbaijan has had in terms of the MDGs?
b. List a few other areas that Azerbaijan has to work on.
6. Click on "track"--->"progress by goal."  
Using the symbol guide on the rights, determine which 2 goals Azerbaijan has had the most success with.

Homework Due 10/4/12

1. BBC 2 news stories
2. Fill out Middle Eastern map.  How much do you know?  Fill in the rest with an atlas.
3. Follow up with defining "democracy" and "republic" and research Syria's trading partners.

This week we will continue our research of Azerbaijan, but will look at the relationship between the country and the United Nations.
Please answer the following questions.  Be prepared to share your answers.

Helpful web sites:  un.org (go to Member States--->Azerbaijan--->UN Data)
                               CIA Fact book

a. When did your country join the UN?
b. When did country become a nation?
c. Did the UN help your country to become a nation?
d. What was the former name of this nation?
e. Is your country a large, medium or small contributor to the UN budget?
f. Is the UN involved in any way in the health issues of your country?
g. Who are your trading partners?
h. Which ones are considered adversaries (enemies)?
i. Which countries located near your country have had violent conflicts?
j. Have these conflicts affected your country?
k. What percentage of its expenditures is spent on education?
l. What is the school expectancy rate?
m. Where is your country in the index of most developed/least developed nations?

Homework due 9/27/12

New and Returning Students:

1. Watch the BBC 1 Minute News and Record 2 Stories.
2.We are ready to start country research!
Here are some starting research questions:

1. Where is your country located? What is the capital city?
2. What are the neighboring countries? To which continent does it belong?
3. What are the physical features (mountains, rivers, nearby oceans, deserts, etc.)
4. What are some major events in your country's history? Why are they important?
5. What is the population of your country?
6. What ethnicities, religions and languages can be found in your country?
7. What are the traditional art forms?
8. What are the characteristics of your country's economy? (What does your country export?)
9. Who is the president or leader of your country?
10. What type of government does your country have? What was its former government?
11. What is the traditional diet?
12. What is the climate?
13. What are typical jobs? What is the name of the currency?

Take notes on these areas (no full sentences necessary). Use books, not just web sites for this research. Make a trip to the library and reserve some books if necessary. Encyclopedias can be a good source of information, too. Do a lot of reading-you are trying to become an expert on your country.
For web sites, check out the cyberschoolbus site (Country at a Glance-on the left hand side),
the CIA factbook site: www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook (this is a great starting place) and the BBC News site (they have country info. in addition to news stories).

Homework Due 9/20/12

1. Watch the BBC 1 Minute new with a parent. Record at least 2 news stories that you watched.
2. Read through these sections in your Model UN handbook: Present Day and What the UN Can and Cannot Do
3. With a highlighter or colored pencil, mark some ideas that you are think are important about the UN.
4.  Go to the cyberschoolbus web site.
5. Click on Millennium Development Goals of the UN (grey box). List the 8 goals and draw their symbol.
6. Using this web site as research, write a few sentences about each of these topics:
-what are MDGs
-current progress
-how are goals related to each other
-how countries can achieve goals
-special role of developed countries and goal #8

Returning students
1. Complete steps 1-4 of regular homework.
2. Re-read the information about the MDGs.  Make flash cards for each MDG-print out a symbol of each goal, paste it on one side of an index card, and on the back write a few facts about the goal. 

Homework Due 9/13/12

1. Bookmark this web site:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/

2. Click on the "video" link at the top and watch the BBC 1 minute news with a parent.  Watch the video clip several times.

3. After discussing what you saw with a parent, record at least 2 news stories on lined paper (or typed) in your Model UN binder.

4. Bookmark this website:  http://cyberschoolbus.un.org/

5. This is the kids version of the UN web site.  Click on "UN intro" on the right.

6. Read the 6 page article about the history of the UN.

7. Write 16 questions based on your reading.  Make them a mix of high and low level questions.
Example of low level:  What year was the UN formed?  How many sections are there in the UN?
high level:  Name 3 goals of the United Nations today.  What were the problems of the League of Nations?

8. Use index cards for your questions: question on one side, answer on the other.  Put your index cards in a rubber band or Ziploc bag.

9. Be prepared to answer other students' questions-read the article closely!

10. Watch the first 4 minutes of the video:  http://kidscanmakeadifference.org/kids-video
Be prepared to discuss it at our next meeting.

Pack these items before the trip!

Hi students,

Please pack these items in your suitcase or your backpack:
1. Your Model UN binder with a cover sheet that has your name and the name of your committee (make this up on the computer)
2. Your position paper
3. Your speech (make sure you have a copy with a large font)
4. A country fact sheet (go to an encylopedia web site and find a list of facts for your country and print it out.  Search "Malaysia facts" or "Bahamas facts."  National Geographic has a web site that you can use.)
5. Optional (this is a good idea): search the BBC or other news site and see if there has been any recent articles (last 3 months) about Malaysia or the Bahamas.  If so, print them out.

Double check your packing with a parent and your packing list.
See you soon,
Ms Erin

p.s. Sam and Leah-please see me to give me your orders for Tues. lunch and dinner at the airport.

Homework due 4/12/12

1. Practice your speech a few more times this week.
2. Go this web site: http://www.centralpark.com/guide/attractions.html
Pick your top 5 attractions to visit (they are listed alphabetically on the left).
3. Upper El students-focus on getting your Semester Long or End of Year Project work done! I'm keeping the homework light for you to focus on this instead.

Homework 4/12/12

1. Watch the BBC 1 minute news.
2. Practice your speech several times.
3. Read this article: http://www.centralparknyc.org/visit/history/
The article about Central Park is organized by years. Record 2 facts about each section of years.
4. Read this article: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-11711409
We were talking about finding unique solutions to worldwide problems. Can you see how this idea is a creative solution? Be prepared to discuss it in the next meeting.
5. I will try to have menus to look at next week for airport ordering.

Homework due 4/5/12

1. Continue to listen to the 1 minute BBC World News.
2. Practice your speech another 5 times this week.
3. Look over the packing list that I sent your parents.
4. Go to theses web sites: http://www.metmuseum.org/ (then go to Learn-->for kids--->choose the half day itinerary)
http://www.centralpark.com/ (go to attractions and then click on areas like the Dairy, the Belvedere castle, the zoo, etc.)
http://www.amnh.org/ (click on AMNH for kids) This is the Musuem of Natural History web site.

At our next meeting, we'll make a decision about where we are going to visit on Wednesday, April 25th. These will be the choices as well as the Statue of Liberty.

Great job with the Car Wash!!

Homework due 3/29/12

1. Keep up with the BBC, even though we may not always have time to talk about it at our meetings.
2. Practice your speech at least 5 times this week. Have an adult at home give you feedback about your pacing (how quickly you read it) and how clearly you read it.
3. Go to the MMUN web site. Click on Conference Resources, and then 2011 Resolutions.
Click on World Food Programme.
These are resolutions written by last year's students who were part of one of the UN committees. Note what is written at the top: signatories and sponsors. Look up these words in your student handbook and find out what they mean [Willow and Maryn-please be prepared to briefly explain the difference between the two and how you decide whether your delegation should be a sponsor or signatory.

Homework due 3/22/12

1. Watch the BBC and record at least 2 news stories.
2. Re-read the section in your student handbook about the speech. Edit your speech so it contains all the necessary parts. Make sure it starts with thanking the president of your committee.
3. Bring it to our next meeting because we will start practicing speeches then.

Homework due 3/8/12

1. Record at least 2 news stories from the BBC.

2.Write your speech. Your speech can have the same sentences as your paper! It should have the intro., body and conclusion, but will be shorter. Choose phrases that show emotion:
The delegation of ------ strongly supports
The delegation of ------- discourages . .
It is important that the members of the UN come together to ____________________
_____________ believes that by 2015, the goal of _________________ must be reached.

3. Have someone time the length of your speech.

Homework due 2/25/12

1. Watch the BBC and record 2 news stories.
2. Finish your paper, and edit it with a parent. Make sure you have made all the changes I asked you to make, and go through the checklist I gave you that came with the sample position papers.
3. Add a list of sources at the end of the paper, and check to see that you have added in text citations in parentheses in the paper.
4. Send it to me by Saturday, February 25th at the latest.

Homework due 2/16/12

1. Follow the story about Syria in the news. See if anything is decided about the UN and Arab League traveling to Syria.
2. Finish your 3rd section. Make sure you have proposed a solution that can be used by all nations, not just Malaysia or the Bahamas.
3. Add a Works Cited list. Make sure your web sites are listed completely.
4. Make any revisions needed. If you finish before Thurs., please e-mail it to me as an attachment.
5. Let me know if you can sell chocolate bars on Tues. 2/14 at 8:15

Homework due 2/9/12

1. Follow the news related to the UN Security Council vote regarding Syria. Find out what happened, what were they voting on, and which countries vetoed. Do this instead of the usual BBC.

2. Continue with your position paper. Work on your 3rd section and follow the editing remarks as I give them to you for your 1st 2 sections. Start inserting citations in parentheses.

3. Tips for position paper:
Use the formal name of your country for starting sentences
You can also start sentences with "The delegation of > . . "
Check your handbook for a list of phrases that will be useful in your 3rd section.

Homework due 2/2/12

1. Record 2 news stories from the BBC.
2. Revise your 2nd paragraph. Start adding in your citations in parentheses. Use the handout I gave you at the meeting for guidance. As you find good web sites in your research, please bookmark them in case you need to look at them again.
3. Start your 3rd paragraph. Spend time thinking about what your delegation what type of solution your delegation would support.
4. Show a parent or adult the rubric that will be used to score your paper. Ask them to compare what you have written so far to the rubric to see if there are areas of your writing that could be strengthened.

Homework due 1/26/12

1. Watch the BBC and record at least 2 news stories.
2. Collect your raffle items and ticket money. Remember to hand in the raffle tickets filled out along with the money.
3. Re-write your 1st paragraph with the editing marks I made on your paper.
4. Start writing your second paragraph. Look at the sample paragraph on pg. 18.
This paragraph is where you will talk about what is happening with your country in regards to your topic. You will write specific information about Malaysia or the Bahamas in this paragraph.
5. Practice your short presentation about your topic.

Homework due 1/19/12

1. Watch the BBC 1 minute news with an adult and record 2 news stories.

2. Start writing the 1st paragraph of your position paper. Read over the sample paper in your handbook (pg. 18) and the guidelines for writing the paper. Notice the format they use at the beginning. Use the exact format but with your own information. Come see me for help before Wednesday if you are not sure what to do. Please type this paragraph and print it out.

3. Prepare a 1 minute presentation for the group that covers this information:
your topic
what does your delegation (your country) think about this topic OR
how is your delegation involved to this topic
4. Don't forget to sell your dinner tickets and try to collect a gift certificate or gift for the raffle!

Homework due 1/12/12

1. Watch the BBC and record 2 news stories. Are there any updates on Syria, Yemen or the former president of Egypt, Mubarak?

2. Search "Permanent Mission UN Malaysia (or Bahamas)"
This will take you to the delegation web site of your country.
Find out who your delegate is.

For Malaysia, there is a LOT of information on this web page. Some of you will be using this web site for your position paper. Bookmark it!

Bahamas, this web site is brief, but you can download the guide to see if you learn any new information.

3. Both countries belong to the Non Aligned Movement. Find out what that is, and write a few sentences about it.

4. Write a paragraph about your topic that answers the following information:
what is your topic
what is the problem
who or what is causing the problem
what is to be done about it
find a statistic that is related to the problem

5. If I send you a link or give you an article, follow it or read, read, read! Any research you do now will make you happier when it's time to write your paper.

6. Decide where you will go to look for a donation to our raffle.
Good luck!