Homework Due 2/3/11

Returning and New Students:

1. Turn in your ticket money by Monday!
2. Watch the BBC and listen for news about what is happening in Egypt.
3. Go forward with your paper:
-follow the suggestions/editing comments I gave you
-re-write your 1st paragraph
-start or continue writing your second paragraph
-do the intensive research that your 2nd paragraph deserves
4. Try to get me what you have done before Thurs. if you finish early.

Homework Due 1/27/11

New Students:

1. Watch the BBC 1 minute news with an adult and record 2 news stories. Listen for updates about Tunisia or Sudan.

2. Start writing the 1st paragraph of your position paper. Read over the sample paper in your handbook (pg. 18) and the guidelines for writing the paper. Notice the format they use at the beginning. Come see me for help before Wednesday if you are not sure what to do.

3. Continue working on your backboard and plan your out-of school meeting.

4.Plan out your presentation if you are presenting next week.

Returning Students:

1. Watch the BBC 1 minute news with an adult and record 2 news stories. Listen for updates about Tunisia or Sudan.

2. Re-write your first paragraph of your position paper based on the changes I suggest. Please e-mail it to me asap if I haven't seen it.

3. Start planning out your 2nd paragraph. You will need UN documents (resolutions, agreeements, etc.) that support your position. Come talk to me before Wednesday if you are not sure what you are looking for.

4. Plan our your presentation if you are presenting next week.

Homework Due 1/20/11

Returning students:
1. Watch the BBC 1 Minute News and look for any news related to the Sudan election.
2. Finish reading your articles (or re-read them) and prepare for your presentation if you have not already.
3. Remember, research is like a scavenger hunt, so pick a key term from one of your articles as a "clue" and look for more information about it on the Internet.
4. Complete the next step of your backboard or project.
5. Re-read the pages related to the position paper in your handbook. Start drafting the first paragraph of your paper.
6. Visit a business to solicit a donated gift certificate. Bring your business letter.

New students:
1. Watch the BBC 1 Minute News and look for any news related to the Sudan election.
2. Finish reading your articles (or re-read them) and prepare for your presentation if you have not already.
3. Remember, research is like a scavenger hunt, so pick a key term from one of your articles as a "clue" and look for more information about it on the Internet.
4. Find the section in your handbook about writing the position paper. Notice that it has 3 parts. Read through the example. We will discuss it at the next class.
5. Visit a business to solicit a donated gift certificate. Bring your business letter.

Homework Due 1/13/11

Hi students,
1. Continue to watch the BBC, and write down 2 new stories. Pay attention to what is happening in the Ivory Coast.
2. Make a list of who you will sell your tickets to. Think of a business that you can approach to ask for a donated gift certificate.
3. Read all of your articles. Ask yourself: what is this about? Do I get it? Do I need to read it with a parent? Underline or highlight new information. Look up terms you don't understand.
4. Prepare a short presentation about your topic based on 1 or more of the articles you read. In your presentation, explain the following:
-what is your topic about
-what are the challenges
-how does it relate to Tanzania
-what are some success stories
5. Make note cards with your presentation notes on them.
6. Continue to organize and/or work on your backboard or accessory.