Homework due 11/7/13

1. Record at least 2 news stories from the BBC.

2. (Make sure you have checked your e-mail first before doing this step). Go to the MMUN web site (http://www.montessori-mun.org/).  Click on Conferences---->NYC Upper Elementary Conference--->Background Guide (left side).  Find your committee topic and download the background guide.  Print it out.  Read through the information several times.  Write 20 bullet points about your topic (address the 5 Ws:  what is the issue, how is it being solved, where is this a problem, etc.)  Be prepared to discuss your information with me.
3. Visit the Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations:
a. Read the remarks made by Ambassador ----- to the General Assembly regarding electing Iran to the Security Council
b. Click on Statements---->General Assembly
c. Make a concept map that shows issues that Israel is involved.  Your main topic (the center could be Israel and World Issues) and the surrounding areas should include some of their focuses.  Remember a concept map includes notes and images.  Images can be drawn or printed.  Some of you may know how to make a concept map using a computer.

4.Come prepared to work on your backboard or flag.  Traditional arts group, please remember to bring in images of traditional art so you can pick a project.

Homework due 10/24/13

1. Record 2 news stories from the BBC.

2. Communicate with the members of your group to make sure everyone has the correct e-mail response:

Backboard:  Martina, Stryder, Jacob, Simi
Traditional Art:  Michael, Maya H., Oshen, Cristian
Sewing Projects:  Sienna, Jack, Isaac, Jeff

**Send a test e-mail.  Then remind each other about what you are bringing for next week.

 3.Go to this web site:

4. Answer these questions:  What is MASHAV?  What is its purpose?

5. Download the document Implementing the Millenium Development Goals (I had to open this document with Adobe Reader).
Pick at least 4 MDGs.  Write a paragraph about each goal that describes what Israel or MASHAV is doing to make progress with this goal.  Pay special attention to the Professional Programs and Actions section.

6. Does is seem like MASHAV is focused on solving Israel's challenges with the MDGs or is focused on helping other countries?

Homework due 10/17/13

1. Watch the BBC and record 2 news stories.

2. Complete the following research questions.

 Use un.org (go to Member States--->Israel--->UN Data)
                               and the CIA Fact book

a. When did your country join the UN?
b. When did country become a nation?
c. Did the UN help your country to become a nation?
d. What was the former name of this nation?
e. Is your country a large, medium or small contributor to the UN budget?
f. Is the UN involved in any way in the health issues of your country?
g. Who are your trading partners?
h. Which ones are considered adversaries (enemies)?
i. Which countries located near your country have had violent conflicts?
j. Have these conflicts affected your country?
k. What percentage of its expenditures is spent on education?
l. What is the school expectancy rate?
m. Where is your country in the index of most developed/least developed nations?

3. www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/AboutIsrael/History/Pages/Facts%20about%20Israel-%20History.aspx

Open this web site.  Scroll down to see the timeline of Israel.
Why is the physical location of Israel important to the Jews?

After 1920, pick 20 events on the timeline.  Make your own timeline on a piece of paper  with these 20 events.  For at least 10 of them, take notes on what they mean.  Look for events that are highlighted in blue so you can follow the link to more information.