Homework due 3/12/15

1.  Keep practicing your speech.  Make sure you have a shorter version, and that you have practiced with a timer.
2.  Please read this article.  It is preparation for the trip:
3. Over break, pack your suitcase with a parent.  Your parents have a packing list for you.

Homework due 3/5/15

1. Watch the BBC 1 Minute News and record at least 2 news stories.
2. Practice your speech 5 times.  Have an adult time you to see how long it is.  Practice making eye contact with your audience, speaking slowly and clearly.
3. Read the background guide of your partner's topic. You will need to know some information about their topic.
4. Review the rules of protocol: see how many motions you have memorized.
5. Invite a few of your friends' parents to the Car Wash on Friday.

Homework due 2/26/15

1. Watch the BBC and record 2 news stories.
2.. Write your speech from your position paper.  Use a larger font (at least 18 pt. font).  Have an adult time you to see how long it is.  It should be between 1 1/2 minutes-2 1/2 minutes long.

Speech format:

3 paragraphs

1st pargarph: Brief intro. about your topic.  (pick 2-3 sentences from your 1st section)
2nd paragraph:  How is Cuba doing in terms of this topic (8-10 sentences; look for statistics and other specific facts)
3rd paragraph:  What Cuba sees as the solution  (4-5 sentences--make sure you are clearly stating what the solution is to this problem). 
**Take the sentences from your paper.  Copy and paste them into a new document using the larger font.

3. Practice the speech 15 times once it is written. 

4. Go the MMUN web site:  https://montessori-mun.org/nyc-conference-matrix/
Find your committee along the top row.  Write down 10 other nations besides Cuba that are participating in your group.  Try to group them either by continent or by developing/developed countries.Make an asterisk (*) next to any country that may be an ally of Cuba.

Homework due 2/12/15

1. Your paper is due soon.  When I tell you it is ready to be a final draft,
please submit it in the following format:

proper heading (check with samples in student guide)
no spelling or punctuation errors
all web sites cited in parentheses
source list at end of paper

****** Have an adult look closely at your paper before you decide it is really the final draft*******  Papers that are not edited properly will not be accepted at MMUN.

2. Send it as an Word attachment (not Google Docs, not in an e-mail).  I will reply to your e-mail to let you know that I received it.

3. Continue to make corrections if I have you to fix certain areas.

3. After your paper is done, celebrate and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment.
4. Then watch the BBC and record news stories.

Homework due 2/5/15

1. Work hard on section three.  Write about the solutions and be specific.  You are almost done with your positon paper!
Look at the list of operative clauses in your student handbook.  Make sure you have several of these in this section.

2. Your solutions listed in section 3 are not your ideas, but rather the ideas of the delegation of Cuba.  Look for what is happening now in Cuba, and you can talk about continuing their progress.  Or making changes, depending on your topic.  Look for quotes and programs.  No matter what, Cuba will want a solution to any UN related issue.  Ask for help if you don't see how to write this section.

3.  All projects are due by next meeting.  MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Homework due 1/29/15

1. Watch the BBC 1 minute news
2. Write the topic sentence for your 3rd section.  Write an outline for the rest of the section.

  Remember, you will use phrases like:

The delegation of the Republic of Cuba strongly supports . . .
The Republic of Cuba is committed to improving . . .
The delegation of the Republic of Cuba implores all nations to . . . 
4. Make any changes to your 1st or 2nd section if you have not already.  Finish any simple edits to these sections like taking out extra spaces, or making sure there are 2 spaces after a period.  If you understand the third section and would like to try writing it, you are welcome to go ahead.  
5.  Have you gotten your gift certificate yet for the raffle?  Do you have a plan for collecting your dinner ticket money?  Remember, both are due for the next meeting! 
6. Work toward finalizing your group project.

Homework due 1/22/15

1. Finish the second section.  Make all edits I have asked for.  Make sure you have in-text citations, statistics, references to resolutions, conventions, other special meetings, NGOs, etc.  All of this is the necessary background information when you discuss Cuba.

2. Collect ticket money.  Double check the personal checks (are they made out to Khalsa Montessori?).
Make sure you have gotten at least 1 gift certificate.  Go for another if you already have one.  

3. Meet with your group as needed to finish the backboard, art project, mini flags, or large flag.

Homework due 1/15/15

1. Read or watch news stories about Cuba on the BBC.

2. Discuss with your parents which businesses you will solicit gift cards or gift certificates from for the Model UN dinner raffle.  Make a plan about when you will visit the business.

3. Also discuss who you will invite to the dinner.  Consider family members, friends, friends of the family, neighbors, teachers. etc as possible guests.  Tell them the date and the details of the dinner, and find out if they are able to purchase a ticket and attend the event. 

3 .http://research.un.org/en/docs/ga/quick/regular/69
Using the web site above, try to find a GA resolution that fits your topic.  Read the document, and record the resolution number.  (ex: A/RES/69/266)
Bookmark this document.  If you can't find a resolution to match your topic, please come see me for help.

4. Start writing the second section of your paper (get at least halfway done).  Use your outline for the order of your sentences.  Remember, you will probably need at least 2 paragraphs for this section.  Don't forget to cite your sources with parentheses.