Homework due 4/5/12

1. Continue to listen to the 1 minute BBC World News.
2. Practice your speech another 5 times this week.
3. Look over the packing list that I sent your parents.
4. Go to theses web sites: http://www.metmuseum.org/ (then go to Learn-->for kids--->choose the half day itinerary)
http://www.centralpark.com/ (go to attractions and then click on areas like the Dairy, the Belvedere castle, the zoo, etc.)
http://www.amnh.org/ (click on AMNH for kids) This is the Musuem of Natural History web site.

At our next meeting, we'll make a decision about where we are going to visit on Wednesday, April 25th. These will be the choices as well as the Statue of Liberty.

Great job with the Car Wash!!

Homework due 3/29/12

1. Keep up with the BBC, even though we may not always have time to talk about it at our meetings.
2. Practice your speech at least 5 times this week. Have an adult at home give you feedback about your pacing (how quickly you read it) and how clearly you read it.
3. Go to the MMUN web site. Click on Conference Resources, and then 2011 Resolutions.
Click on World Food Programme.
These are resolutions written by last year's students who were part of one of the UN committees. Note what is written at the top: signatories and sponsors. Look up these words in your student handbook and find out what they mean [Willow and Maryn-please be prepared to briefly explain the difference between the two and how you decide whether your delegation should be a sponsor or signatory.

Homework due 3/22/12

1. Watch the BBC and record at least 2 news stories.
2. Re-read the section in your student handbook about the speech. Edit your speech so it contains all the necessary parts. Make sure it starts with thanking the president of your committee.
3. Bring it to our next meeting because we will start practicing speeches then.

Homework due 3/8/12

1. Record at least 2 news stories from the BBC.

2.Write your speech. Your speech can have the same sentences as your paper! It should have the intro., body and conclusion, but will be shorter. Choose phrases that show emotion:
The delegation of ------ strongly supports
The delegation of ------- discourages . .
It is important that the members of the UN come together to ____________________
_____________ believes that by 2015, the goal of _________________ must be reached.

3. Have someone time the length of your speech.