Homework due 11/1/12

1. Watch the BBC and record 2 news stories articles.
2. E-mail your group members and plan out your goals for the next meeting.  Start collecting supplies (images, text or art supplies)
3.  Go to the UNDP (UN Development Programme) Azerbaijan web site:

Answer these questions:
a. What does the author mean when he says that Azerbaijan wants to convert "black gold into human gold?"
b. What has Azerbaijan done with its oil profits?
c. Look up the word "macroeconomics."  Go to Roman numeral I-what does the word mean in this context?
d. Why do you think Azerbaijan wants to move towards non-oil industries?
e. Give an example of how gender equality has improved in Azerbaijan.
f. List 4 natural challenges that Azerbaijan faces in its environment.

4. Go to the transparency.org web site:  http://cpi.transparency.org/cpi2011/results/
This group keeps track of which countries are the most corrupt.  Write a few sentences about the level of corruption in Azerbaijan.

Homework due 10/26/12

1. Record 2 news stories from the BBC 1 minute news.
2. Contact the students from your group:
Backboard: Jeff, Michael, Jupiter, Isaac
Traditional Art: Izzie, Laurel, Belisa, Ethan
Energy Fair: Keenan, Stryder, Jacob, Cole, Tarquin

Add the e-mail addresses of these students into your e-mail address book.  Send out an e-mail to each other about what you are planning for next week.  CC me on all of your e-mails (erin.khalsa@hotmail.com).  Come prepared to start the 1st phase of your project next week.

3. Bookmark the Azerbaijan Permanent Mission to the UN web site: http://www.un.int/azerbaijan/ph_gl.php

This is a great web site where Azerbaijan lists all of its UN activities and policies in one place.
Click on "Azerbaijan and EU."

4. Answer these questions:
Why is having a good relationship with the European Union important to Azerbaijan?
What does TRACECA stand for?
What was the most important outcome of the 1998 conference in Baku?

 Click on "foreign policy"--->"Economic Cooperation and Development (in pull down menu)--->MDG indicator.  
4 of the MDGs are listed with data.  Write 2 sentences about each goal.  Use statistics in these sentences. Example:  Over the last 15 years, child mortality has decreased from  . . . . .

Homework due 10/18/12

Dear students,
Don't forget you have 2 weeks to do this assignment.  Start early since it's two weeks worth of work!
1. Watch BBC with parent and record 2 news stories.

2. Go this web site and read the republic vs. democracy information:  http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/government/republic.htm
It really clears things up!

3. Go to the cyberschoolbus web site.
4.. Click on Millennium Development Goals of the UN (grey box). List the 8 goals and draw their symbol.
5. Using this web site as research, write a short paragraph about each of these topics:

-what are MDGs
-current progress
-how are goals related to each other
-how countries can achieve goals
-special role of developed countries and goal #8
6.. Go to this web site:http://www.mdgmonitor.org/factsheets_00.cfm?c=AZE&cd=31#
This web site keeps track of how countries are doing in terms of the MDGs.  Read the overview section, and answer these questions:
a. What is most important success Azerbaijan has had in terms of the MDGs?
b. List a few other areas that Azerbaijan has to work on.
6. Click on "track"--->"progress by goal."  
Using the symbol guide on the rights, determine which 2 goals Azerbaijan has had the most success with.